A Rush of Blood to the Head
Amazon.co.jp 「Yellow」(2000年7月U.K.シングルチャート4位)、「Trouble」(2000年10月U.K.シングルチャート10位)のヒットを生み出したデビューアルバム『パラシューツ』は、全世界で400万枚のビッグセールスを樹立。第44回グラミー賞の最優秀オルタナティヴミュージック賞にも輝いたイギリス出身男性4人組、コールドプレイの2ndアルバム。 ゆったりメロディアスなミディアムナンバー<2>(1stカット)、優しいサウンドが勇壮に広がる<5>など、内に秘めた熱いエネルギーを重厚な演奏に凝縮。アルバムのタイトルどおり、じっくり聴ける内容だ。(速藤年正)
From Amazon.com Coldplay required a lifetime to make its wonderfully assured debut, Parachutes. But it took less than two years for the moody British quartet to deliver a masterful follow-up. As a band they have advanced to a stage where they outshine nearly every one of their rivals in terms of imagination and emotional pull. A Rush of Blood to the Head is a soulful, exhilarating journey, moving from the cathartic rock of "Politik" to the hushed tones of "Green Eyes" without once breaking its mesmerizing spell. Singer Chris Martin takes his voice on soaring flights, reaching places only Jeff Buckley previously dared to go. And the music is nearly flawless, a persuasive cross between Pink Floyd and The Verve. Even if they haven't come up with another "Yellow," you would be hard-pressed to care. This is exquisite stuff. --Aidin Vaziri